Organizational Strength

  • ONE’s operations are informed by a culture of strong values and conduct, as documented in our Code of Conduct and Ethics. Related Policies help guide every employee and who we conduct business within all our daily decisions and actions, including:
    • Anti-Bribery and Fraud
    • Health, Safety & Wellness
    • Privacy
    • Respectful Workplace
    • Whistleblower Platform
  • Management has a multi-level approval process to ensure authorizations are binding.

Oversight Responsibilities

  • Governed by a Board of Directors with clearly framed parameters that review and approve business objectives and strategies
  • Board of Directors leverages leading governance practices optimizing resources and insights from the
    Canadian Institute of Corporate Directors with accreditation at the Board and executive levels

Insight and Deliverables/Fiduciary

  • ONE acts honestly and with suitable transparency to support our and our stakeholders’ commitments and obligations.
  • Our deep experience and relationships in Canadian real estate demonstrate prudence, trust and confidence in our investment and operating decisions, and those of our partners.
  • We are well versed in third party voluntary and mandated reported mechanisms, including sustainability-linked disclosure programs.

Cyber Security

  • In-depth process and program to prevent, detect and mitigate cyber security risks by using multi-factor authentication, internal phishing tests and training, secure network, regular password resets, data encryption and email/spam filters, compliant with our . 

Risk Management

  • ONE uses a “three-lines of-accountability” model with businesses and corporate functions each responsible for identifying and managing risk as part of their day-to-day work. Corporate functions provide policies and approaches to facilitate risk identification and management. As a third layer, ONE’s independent, external auditor assesses controls and provides recommendations to strengthen them.
  • Risk management is closely related to the future-proofing of our assets through the identification and prevention of climate and transition-related risks, plus physical risk and resilience considerations.